How Much Does A Family Caregiver Get Paid In Indiana?

May 08, 2023

Caregiving is important work that plays a vital role in supporting seniors, the sick, people with disabilities or special needs, and families. It’s work that many people willingly take on out of love for their family members as they get older or need extra help around the house. These informal caregivers work without expecting anything in return, even accepting the financial burdens of caring for their loved ones–but it is work, work that deserves to be compensated and supported. 

There are various government and private means of financial assistance and support for family caregivers in the US, but what is available varies from state to state. By turning their informal family care work into a professional or semi-professional role, family caregivers can get the funding and training they need to be more financially secure and provide the best possible care services for their loved ones. In this article, we’ll look at the different programs and benefits available in Indiana, how to qualify for them, and how much Indiana family caregivers can earn.

Unpaid Vs Paid Family Caregiving In Indiana 

The number of people undertaking unpaid care may be larger than you think. According to a recent report by the AARP:

  • There are 790,000 unpaid family caregivers in Indiana taking care of loved ones.
  • These caregivers provide a combined 740 million hours (worth around $10.8 billion) of unpaid care every year.

In contrast, data from shows us how much family caregivers in paid roles are earning:

  • On average, a paid family caregiver in Indiana earns $32,431 per year, starting from just over $13 per hour.
  • The annual salary for family caregivers typically ranges between $26,923 and $39,067, depending on factors such as location, education and certifications, experience, and any additional skills a candidate can bring to the role.

By undergoing formal training, certification, or experience with an established home care agency, caregivers in Indiana can increase their earning potential and access resources to support their care work and their families. 

How To Get Paid For Family Care In Indiana

If you’re looking for ways to receive financial support  as a family caregiver in Indiana, there are several federal and state benefits that you may be eligible for. If you want to receive a salary or make caregiving your career there are home care agencies that can employ you to take care of family members.  

State And Federal Financial Support for Caregiving 

Tax Credit For Children And Dependents

If you meet certain income criteria, you can claim for children or other dependents on your federal tax return and potentially receive up to $2,000 for each qualified dependent. You could also claim up to $8,000 on babysitting, daycare, or caregiving expenses if you paid someone else to care for your dependent while at work or looking for work.

Medicaid And State Assistance Programs

Medicaid Waivers

Indiana residents enrolled in Medicaid can direct their Medicaid funding directly to caregiving family members using Medicaid Waivers. To see if you qualify, contact your family member’s Medicaid plan representative.

The Family Caregiver Program In Indiana

Also known as Structured Family Caregiving (SFC), this program works with Medicaid to help caregivers–including family caregivers and legal guardians–with resources and guidance. This includes a financial stipend to cover caregiving expenses. 

Long-Term Care Insurance

Some long-term care insurance policies can let patients employ a friend or family member as their caregiver. Contact your loved one’s insurance company to see if this would be possible in your case.

Veterans Benefits

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has a range of programs for veterans, which often allow the recipient to choose their caregiver. For example:

  • Veterans in Indiana who meet the clinical criteria can employ a family member as a caregiver for between $8-$21 per hour through the Veteran-Directed Care Program (VDC). VA pension rates can be used to pay family carers and range from $10,757 to $42,433 annually
  • The Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) supports family caregivers to veterans with service-related disabilities or illnesses with training, resources, and a monthly stipend of up to $2,750 per month.
  • The Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefits and Housebound Allowance provide additional discretionary pension funds to veterans, which they can use to employ family members as home caregivers.

Get Paid As A Family Caregiver Via An Agency

Even if you don’t qualify for federal or state assistance as a family caregiver, you can still be employed by a private home care agency to care for your loved ones. Agencies recognize that family caregivers are highly motivated and passionate about helping others, and can not only pay them to take care of their relatives but also help these informal caregivers transform their experience into a rewarding career.

For example, Nova Home Care is actively looking for caregivers and welcomes applications from people in the Indiana area who want to work with their own family members. For further information about remuneration and benefits, including salary, insurance, 401K, training, and more, check our careers page or contact us online.

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